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Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde'

Status: In stock

Product ID#: bconc
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Starting at: $61.99
Product Description
Sun Exposure Sun
Bloom Time Spring
Soil Conditions Normal, Sandy, Clay/Heavy, Dry
Fall Color Burgundy/Purple
Flower Color Yellow
Fruit Color Red
Mature Plant Size (H x W) 2-3' x 2-3'
Concorde is a colorful Barberry with intense deep, dark purple colors and rounded leaves with an incredible velvet look. The new growth is red and shows up nicely against the deep dark purple older leaves. The plant form is desirable in the landscape as it will form into a small globe when it matures. This Barberry shrub has only a few red fruits that follow the inconspicuous blooms. Pruning is not required unless changing shape or overall size. Wear leather gloves when working with Barberry.

Revitalize Your Garden’s Look with McKay Nursery

Here at McKay Nursery, we understand that growing plants for your landscape project needs to start with quality products. This is why we offer an expertly curated collection of plants, including the velvety Concorde barberry. When you order from us, you can purchase a one-year warranty on all plant stock. Order your very own Concorde barberry today!

For more information, contact us at [email protected] or call us at 920-478-2121.
  • sunshade Sun
  • Mature Plant Size (H x W) Mature Plant Size (H x W): 2-3' x 2-3'
  • Bloom Season Bloom Season: Spring
Key features
  • Deer Resistant
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Walnut Toxicity Resistant
Planting Care

Planting & Care for Deciduous Concorde Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde') Shrubs

  • Mature growth is around 2-3' tall and wide.
  • Barberry is very hardy (can withstand -13 degrees Fahrenheit), and deciduous varieties resist icy winds.
  • Berberis needs full sun to flower and fruit freely but will tolerate light shade.
  • This shrub is tolerant of dry soils.
  • Berberis prospers on various soils, from sand to heavy, often water-logged clay.
  • Pruning is not required unless you plan to change the shape or overall size.
  • Wear leather gloves when working with Barberry.
  • Plant Barberry in March, June to November.
Opening Plant Material
  • Containers: Completely saturate all container plants by putting them in a larger water container until bubbling stops. Remove the plant, then dig a hole no deeper than the depth of the container, ensuring it’s wider on the sides by an additional 6” or more.
Planting containers
  • Dig a hole no deeper than the depth of the container and 6" or wider on the sides.
  • Slide the plant from the pot by tapping on the bottom of the pot.
  • With a shovel or knife, trim the bottom 2" off the root ball for plants in plastic containers.
  • Rotate the plant to the proper position. Never lift or move plants by the tops.
    Place the root ball in the hole.
  • Adjust the plant height so the root crown is slightly higher than the ground.
  • Notice where the base of the trunk flares out from the tree. This is called the root flare. This root flare should show when the tree is planted. Add soil under the ball so the root flare is exposed if necessary.
  • Place fertilizer packets into the bottom of the hole (if purchased). *Use Our Recommended Fertilizer.
  • Backfill the hole with soil, ensuring the top of the root ball is visible and slightly higher than the soil around it.
  • Firm the soil around the plant. Water well to settle soil around the root ball.
  • Check out our Planting & Handling Guide for additional information and illustrations.
Pruning - After Planting
  • Containers: Although it’s not essential after planting, light pruning can help shape a Concorde barberry shrub. Doing so removes any broken branches from shipping or thins out a heavily branched plant to assist in the transplanting process and the appearance of your new planting.
Pruning - Through-out the Season
  • Prune in April.
  • Apart from cutting back frost-damaged shoots in May, no regular pruning is needed.
  • Renew old gaunt bushes by cutting back a third of the older stems to near ground level in April.
Watering - After Planting
  • Plants typically take approximately 6 weeks to establish new roots in your soil. During this period, water plants as often as every 2-4 days at the start and at least a minimum of once per week.
  • Beyond the six-week establishment period, water once per week unless rain occurs.
  • Remember to check soil moisture by sticking your finger into the soil around 3”.
Watering - Through-out the Season
  • After the first season, plants should only be watered during extended periods without rain.
  • How do you know if your plants need water? The easiest way to tell is to touch the soil around the roots. If it is moist, there is no need to water. If it’s dry, give it a good soak with the hose end (no nozzle), watering the soil only, not the leaves.
  • Same as after planting, stick your finger into the soil around 3” to check soil moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best growing zone for Concorde barberry (Berberis thunbergii)?

Slow-growing deciduous shrubs like Concorde barberries thrive well in USDA growing zones 4 to 8. Fertilizing Concorde barberry is generally not necessary unless you don’t have well-drained soil. You can fertilize your barberry shrub in the late winter or early spring before flowering begins by using a slow-release shrub fertilizer.

How to propagate Concorde Barberry?

Propagate Concored barberry(Berberis thunbergii) through cuttings, which is the preferred method over other means, such as growing from seeds. To propagate your Concorde barberry, take cuttings in the spring after its flowers have faded by cutting a 6-inch length of growth from the tip of a branch. Make sure to cut below the leaf node. Trim off the lower shoots and leaves from the cutting, leaving the upper foliage intact. Coat the shoot and any nodes with rooting hormone to encourage growth. Prepare a pot with coarse sand, saturate it with water, then let it drain. After draining, insert the bottom of the cutting into the moist sand, ensuring the leaves remain above the surface. Spray the cutting lightly with water, then cover the pot with a plastic bag to maintain moisture. You should see roots forming within 21 days. After the cutting develops a strong root system, move it to a larger pot filled with potting soil and continue to water it. In the autumn, plant your new barberry shrub in the garden.

Does Concorde barberry need winter protection?

Concorde barberry (Berberis thunbergii) shrubs don’t require special winter protection when planted within its hardiness range. However, it may be prone to damage from strong winter winds. Depending on the season, you may wrap burlap material around wooden stakes to protect your shrub from windburn.

What are the common pests and diseases of Concorde barberry?

Barberry shrubs are vulnerable to scale insects and aphids that suck on the plant's juices. You can try removing these infestations using a high-pressure garden hose spray. Some common diseases that affect barberry shrubs include powdery mildew, anthracnose, verticillium wilt, anthracnose, and bacterial leaf spots. To resolve these issues, it’s best to use fungicides for most problems. Keep in mind that wilting may be irreversible and cause the shrub to die.

Why is my Concorde barberry dying?

If your Concorde barbery is suddenly in poor health, it may be due to too much fluctuation in moisture. If your shrub constantly shifts from experiencing dry and wet soil, these moisture extremes can lead to sudden death. This often occurs in mature plants in the summer. To avoid this, spread a two- to four-inch layer of mulch over the Concorbe barberry’s roots and plant it in soil with organic matter. Doing so will provide sufficient drainage and moisture retention during harsh seasons.

Planting & Handling Help

Download our Planting and Handling Guide below to plan for a successful arrival and install of your plants. Be sure to water all plants as soon as they arrive and every day until you’re ready to plant. Keep any bare root bundles in a shady, cool spot with the roots covered at all times.

Learn More

Watch our videos on handling bare root plants, how your order is prepared for shipment and more.

Plant Sizing

What is the difference between Containers, Grow Bags, Bare Root, and Balled & Burlap (B&B)?

Shipping Times

Our FedEx and local shipping times depend on two factors, one is by the region and the second is the type of product being shipped. For example, small fruits are only shipped in spring, but majority of our perennials are shipped from spring until fall. Keep in mind the dates below act as a general guide. Due to unpredictable weather, staffing, inventory and industry demands these timelines can change. Therefore, we cannot guarantee any of these times.


Shipping Dates by Region*


Northern Cold Region: April 22nd - November 7th

Northern Region: April 15th - November 7th

Middle Region: April 1st - November 7th

Southern Region: March 15th - November 7th

Local Delivery (small radius from Waterloo, WI): April 22nd - November 7th


Shipping Dates by Season*


Spring Shipping: Region Start Date (above) - May

Fall Shipping: September - November


Due to unpredictable weather, these times may vary. Some varieties are exceptions due to heat and plant health reasons. Enter your shipping zip code at the top of this page and be sure to check the shipping information on each product before you add it to your cart. If the product is too large or restricted in your state, you will not be able to checkout with that item in your cart.