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Sumacs are known for their bright fall color and textured leaves. All types of sumac species are tough and drought tolerant, making them excellent bird shelters all year round.


With minimal maintenance needed, our sumac plants can thrive in part shade or full sun, making them versatile additions to your landscape design!


Benefits of Rhus Variants to Your Garden

A sumac plant can be combined with other plants to create a diverse and vibrant garden. Its bold leaves and fall color make them a standout addition from early spring to late winter. Add the deep-red color of Scarlet sumac (Rhus glabra), also known as Smooth sumac, or a light-green texture to your garden with Staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina). Besides improving your garden’s appearance, Fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) can attract all sorts of pollinators and friendly wildlife to your landscape!


Make Fresh Lemon Juice With Sumac Berries?

Although sumac bushes are more recognized for their texture and color, did you know you can use their berries to try different recipes?

The red berries of sumac plants are edible and have a lemony flavor, but they have a ton of other uses besides making lemon juice. Besides its citric acid content, the red powdery spice has a distinct tart flavor commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine.


Your Homegrown Landscaping Needs Here at McKay Nursery

Since 1897, McKay Nursery has been providing hardy trees and shrubs from Waterloo, Wisconsin, to homeowners and gardening enthusiasts of all levels. In addition to our retail and wholesale plant sales, we also provide landscape and hardscape design and installation services.


If you’re looking for the right place to buy a sumac bush, you’ve come to the right nursery. Order our in-house grown sumac plants, which come with a one-year warranty, for your landscaping project!